Friday, April 2, 2010

How to filter file extension and get file size in C# ?

 Here form this function I'm trying to filter extension and size for uploading  a file in
public static string FilteredFileExtension(HttpPostedFile httpPostedFile)
        int intFileLength = httpPostedFile.ContentLength;   // File size
        string strExtn = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFile.FileName.ToLower()); //File extension
        if (intFileLength < 4096000)// 4mb
            if (strExtn == ".jpg" || strExtn == ".gif" || strExtn == ".png")
                return string.Empty;  // only jpg,gif and png files and less dn 4mb can be uploaded
                return strExtn + " File not accepted";
            return "File is very large";